The Imperative of Learning Economics… and How Economics.Horse Can Help

Andrei Polgar
5 min readMay 22, 2023

In a nutshell: Economics.Horse has been created for those who want to learn economics without being bored to death… yes, it’s possible :)

And if you’re still not conviced you should learn economics, the hopefully well-structured list of reasons below should help.

Understanding Decision-Making

The Concept of Scarcity: At its core, economics is the study of how individuals, businesses, and societies deal with scarcity — the fundamental fact that we have unlimited wants but limited resources. By understanding the concept of scarcity, you gain insight into the necessity of making choices and the process of decision-making.

Opportunity Cost: Economics introduces you to the concept of opportunity cost — the idea that choosing one option means giving up another. This principle is applicable not only in financial decisions but also in everyday life choices.

Rational Thinking: Economics assumes that individuals and businesses act rationally, seeking to maximize their benefit. This perspective can help you understand and predict behavior in various economic situations.

Interpreting Current Events

Understanding Global Markets: From oil prices to stock market indices, economic factors influence global events. Understanding economics equips you with the tools to interpret these developments and their potential implications.

Grasping Economic Indicators: Economic indicators like GDP, inflation, and unemployment rates are often in the news. Knowledge of economics allows you to comprehend what these indicators mean and how they reflect the health of an economy.

Economic Policy Debates: Many public debates revolve around economic policies. Whether it’s about raising minimum wage, implementing a new tax system, or negotiating trade agreements, understanding economics enables you to engage in these debates more effectively.

Influencing Public Policy

Policy Evaluation: A solid understanding of economics allows you to evaluate different policy proposals, considering their potential costs and benefits, and their likely effects on various sectors of the economy.

Informed Voting: Economic issues often play a key role in elections. By understanding economics, you can make more informed voting decisions, choosing candidates whose policies align with your understanding and beliefs.

Advocacy: If you feel strongly about certain issues, such as poverty, income inequality, or environmental sustainability, understanding economics can help you advocate for policies that address these issues effectively.

Personal Finance Management

Budgeting and Saving: Economics can help you understand the importance of budgeting and saving, and how to make these practices part of your lifestyle.

Investing: Knowledge of economics can guide you in making sound investment decisions. It can help you understand financial markets, evaluate different investment options, and assess risks and returns.

Planning for the Future: Whether it’s buying a house, funding your education, or planning for retirement, economics can provide valuable insights to help you make these significant financial decisions.

Career Opportunities

Wide Range of Careers: Studying economics opens up a wide range of career opportunities in fields like finance, business, government, and academia.

Transferable Skills: The analytical skills you develop by studying economics are highly valued in many industries. These include problem-solving skills, quantitative reasoning, and the ability to analyze complex issues.

Advancement Opportunities: A solid understanding of economics can boost your career advancement opportunities, as it equips you to make strategic decisions and contribute to your organization’s success.

The Power of Humor in Learning Economics

Learning economics can sometimes be a daunting task due to its complex theories and jargon. A website like Economics.Horse, which combines humor with economic knowledge, can make this learning process enjoyable and engaging. Here’s how:


Breaking the Ice: Humor can help break the ice, making economics feel less intimidating and more approachable.

Sustaining Interest: Humorous content can sustain learners’ interest over time, encouraging them to continue exploring and learning.

Active Participation: Humor encourages active participation. For instance, a funny quiz or interactive game can get learners actively involved in the learning process.


Memorable Content: Humor makes content more memorable. Jokes, funny anecdotes, or humorous illustrations can help learners remember complex economic theories and concepts.

Reinforcing Learning: Revisiting humorous content for a good laugh can inadvertently lead to revisiting the educational material, thus reinforcing learning.

Creating Mental Hooks: Humor can serve as a mental hook, allowing learners to easily recall and apply what they’ve learned.


Linking Theory and Practice: Humor often draws upon real-life situations. By presenting economic theories in the context of humorous, relatable scenarios, learners can better understand and apply these theories.

Breaking Down Complex Ideas: Humor can simplify complex ideas, making them easier to understand. A funny metaphor or analogy can help learners grasp difficult economic concepts.

Cultural Relevance: Humor is often culturally specific. A website that uses culturally relevant humor can make economics more relatable to learners from different backgrounds.

Stress Relief

Creating a Positive Learning Environment: Humor creates a relaxed and positive learning environment, which is conducive to learning. It can help reduce anxiety and increase learner motivation.

Balancing Rigor and Fun: While economics can be rigorous, humor can bring a sense of fun and balance, making the learning process less daunting.

Encouraging Persistence: Humor can help learners persist in the face of difficulty. If learners associate economics with enjoyment rather than frustration, they’re more likely to stick with it and overcome challenges.

Stimulating Interest

Provoking Curiosity: Humorous content can provoke curiosity, prompting learners to delve deeper into the subject.

Promoting Creativity: Humor stimulates creativity, which can enhance problem-solving and critical thinking skills — both essential in studying economics.

Encouraging Exploration: A website that consistently delivers humorous and educational content can encourage learners to explore more topics in economics.

In conclusion, economics is a pivotal field of study that influences our daily lives, societal structures, and global events. It equips us with the tools to make informed decisions, understand complex issues, and contribute meaningfully to society. However, its complexity can often be a barrier to learning. This is where a website like Economics.Horse can play a crucial role. By interweaving humor with economic knowledge, it can make economics more approachable, enjoyable, and memorable. So, if you’re looking to delve into economics, consider a platform that not only educates but also entertains. Who knows, you might find yourself chuckling while unraveling the intricacies of the global economy.



Andrei Polgar

I teach people economics via books like The Age of Anomaly (Wall Street Journal & USA Today bestseller) and YouTube animations (